Predicting reaction tendencies

Watch the following two videos.

The first shows an iron nail being placed in a solution of copper(II) sulfate.

The second shows a gold ring being placed into the same solution.

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Text alternative to iron nail and copper sulfate video

Click here to open the video in a new window. opens in a new window

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Text alternative to gold ring and copper sulfate video

Click here to open the video in a new window. opens in a new window

So why is there a reaction only in the first video?

Could we have predicted this behaviour using the reduction potentials?

The answer to the second question is yes, and the following section explains how this can be done.

Redox reactions and electrons

It seems a long time since we mentioned electrons, but understanding what is happening to electrons is vital to understanding redox reactions. So let's start by considering the reaction shown above in terms of electrons.

The two half-reactions involved in this process are shown below. The species present at the start of the reaction are Fe and Cu2+ ions.

(Note that these are listed in the order shown on the reduction potential list. It is good to do this because it helps with the explanation described later.)

Cu2+ + 2 e- reversible arrow Cu

Fe2+ + 2 e- reversible arrow Fe

The reaction that you saw in the video was copper metal being formed. This means the first reaction is moving in the forward direction, ie it is a reduction reaction. Therefore the iron reaction must move in the opposite direction.

The question to ask is: is iron metal (Fe) a strong enough reducing agent to make this happen?

Now look at your list of reduction potentials.

Is Fe a stronger reducing agent than Cu?

Click here for the answer

The two half-reactions involved in this process are shown below. The species present at the start of the reaction are Au and Cu2+ ions.

(Note that again these are listed in the order shown on the reduction potential list.)

Au3+ + 3 e- reversible arrow Au

Cu2+ + 2 e- reversible arrow Cu

If a reaction is to occur, the copper must be reduced. Is gold (Au) a strong enough reducing agent to make this happen?

Click here for the answer

Now watch the videos below that work through two more examples of predicting reaction tendency.

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Text alternative for the copper and hydrochloric acid video

Click here to open the video in a new window. opens in a new window

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Text alternative for the chlorine and silver video

Click here to open the video in a new window. opens in a new window

Predicting reaction tendency example

Below is a typical question that involves predicting reaction tendency.

Will potassium dichromate solution oxidise iodide ions?

The problem is solved in the following interaction.

Begin by selecting the two relevant half-equations by clicking on the left hand boxes. Then follow the prompts.

Text alternative to the predicting reaction tendency interaction

Click here to open the interaction in a new window opens in a new window

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There are different ways to predict whether redox reactions will occur. The method shown above involves comparing strengths of oxidising agents and reducing agents involved in the reaction being investigated. By using this method you are consolidating your understanding of redox reactions while predicting whether reactions will take place.

There are some other 'shortcut' methods of predicting reaction tendency which are explained briefly below.

For a reaction to occur spontaneously, the oxidant in the reaction must have a more positive reduction potential than the reactant.

Example: Iron and copper(II) sulfate reaction

Cu2+ + 2 e- reversible arrow Cu (E° = +0.34 V)

Fe2+ + 2 e- reversible arrow Fe (E° = -0.44 V)

The reaction will occur because the reduction potential for the copper is higher than the reduction potential for the iron reaction.

Because the list of reduction potentials is ordered from highest down to lowest, it is possible to predict reaction tendency without looking at the actual values of the reduction potentials.

For reaction to occur spontaneously, the reduction (forward) reaction must be above the oxidation (reverse) on the list. Because the top reaction moves forward and the bottom reaction moves backwards, this can be called the clockwise rule because the reactions seem to move in a clockwise direction.

Example 1: Iron and copper(II) sulfate reaction

clockwise rule for Cu/Fe opens in a new window

Click on the image to enlarge

The reaction satisfies the clockwise rule and the reaction should occur.

Example 2: Gold and copper(II) sulfate

clockwise rule for Cu/Au opens in a new window

Click on the image to enlarge

The equations seem to be trying to move in an 'anticlockwise' direction and so the reaction will not happen.

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Although these shortcut methods are quick to use, they do not explain the reasons behind whether a reaction will occur. To do this you should go back to compare the strengths of the reactants as oxidising and reducing agents.

Limitations of the standard reduction potentials

  • Remember that these are predictions based on chemicals under standard conditions. Even reactions that are predicted to occur spontaneously may not react. An example of this is where the concentrations are not high enough to allow a reaction to occur. (Remember the situation with the hydrogen peroxide bleach in the first scenario in this topic.)
  • If there is only a small difference in reduction potential, the difference in oxidising or reducing strength may also not be enough to cause a reaction to happen.

Text Reference: Read Section 9.5 and answer Review Exercise 9.5

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