acidic solution

a solution in which there is a greater concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) than hydroxide ions (OH-)

activation energy

the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur

alkali metals

elements in group 1 of the periodic table

alkaline earth metals

elements in group 2 of the periodic table

alkaline solution

a solution in which there is a greater concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) than hydrogen (H+) ions


different forms of the same element


a substance that does not contain water


a negatively charged ion

aqueous solutions

a solution with water as the solvent


abbreviation for the atmosphere unit of pressure


the smallest possible particle of an element

atomic number

the number of protons in an atom

Avogadro's hypothesis

equal volumes of all gases measured at the same temperature and pressure will contain the same number of particles (same number of moles)


a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but is not used up in the process


a positively charged ion


the number in front of a formula in a chemical equation

colligative property

a property that depends on the concentration of particles within the solution


a substance that contains more than one element chemically combined


a measure of how much of a solute is dissolved in a given volume of solvent

conjugate acid

the substance formed when a base gains a proton (H+)

conjugate base

the substance formed when an acid loses a proton (H+)

coordinate covalent bond

a covalent bond formed when both electrons in the shared pair are provided by one atom

covalent bond

a link between two atoms comprising of a shared pair of electrons


the process by which a solid is formed from a solution


a measure of the mass for a given volume of a substance


a variation of electric charge from one place to another


particles that are separate from other particles


the process of ions separating from each other


can be drawn into a wire

dynamic equilibrium

a system where there is no overall change due to the rate of the forward and reverse processes being equal


the splitting of a compound caused by passing an electric current though a molten substance or solution


a substance that can produce ions when dissolved in water


a measure of the relative ability of an atom to attract electrons


the process of using electrolysis to increase the purity of a substance

electrostatic forces

forces caused by the interaction of electric charges


the process of using electrolysis to extract metals from their ores


a substance that contains only one type of atom

empirical formula

the simplest whole number ratio of the atoms in a compound, written in the style of a formula

endothermic reaction

a reaction that absorbs heat energy from the surroundings


chemical potential energy

enthalpy change

the difference between the enthalpy of the products and the reactants


the process of a liquid changing into a gas


more than is required for a chemical reaction

exothermic reactions

a reaction that releases heat energy to the surroundings

formula unit

the group of atoms that is represented by the formula of the compound


vertical column in the periodic table


elements in group 17 of the periodic table

heterogeneous mixture

a mixture with composition and properties that are not the same throughout the mixture

homogeneous mixture

a mixture with uniform composition and properties throughout the mixture


a substance that contains water


a chemical that changes colour dependent on the pH of the surrounding solution


between molecules


within a molecule


a charged particle formed by the loss or gain of electrons from an atom or molecule

ionic equation

a chemical equation showing only the species that are changed in a chemical reaction


the formation of an ion from an atom or molecule

ionisation energy

the energy required to remove an electron from the valence shell of an atom or ion


atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers

kinetic energy

the movement energy of an object

limiting reagent

the substance that is used up first in a chemical reaction

macroscopic property

an observable characteristic of a substance


can be hammered into different shapes

mass number

the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom


the quantity of a substance that contains Avogadro's number of particles


a particle comprised of more than one atom held together by covalent bonding

monatomic ion

an ion that contains one atom


three-dimensional, regular arrangements where particles have fixed positions

neutral solution

a solution in which the concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) are equal

noble gases

elements in group 18 of the periodic table


eight electrons on an electron shell within an atom

oxidising agent

a substance that causes another chemical to be oxidised in a chemical reaction

pH scale

a method of measuring acidity, the lower the pH value, the greater the acidity


horizontal row in the periodic table

polyatomic ion

ions that contain two or more atoms combined together

polyprotic acid

an acid that has the ability to donate more than one hydrogen ion per molecule

potential energy

stored energy


the process by which a solid is formed by mixing two solutions


a substance made as a result of a chemical reaction


a substance used in a chemical reaction


a measure of how vigorously an element will react with other substances


a substance involved in a chemical reaction

reducing agent

a substance that causes another chemical to be reduced in a chemical reaction

relative atomic mass

(Ar) the mass of an atom relative to the mass of a carbon-12 atom

relative molecular mass

(Mr) the mass of a molecule relative to the mass of a carbon-12 atom


ionic substances that are produced by the neutralisation of an acid

saturated solutions

a solution where the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in the solvent


a method of storage of a chemical, normally used in relation to the storage of carbon-based compounds


a measure of how much of a substance is able to dissolve in a given volume of solvent


a substance that dissolves into a solvent


a homogeneous mixture with solute dissolved in a solvent


the process of a species dissolving in water


the substance that a solute dissolves into


a particle involved in a chemical process

spectator ions

ions that are not changed in a chemical reaction

standard temperature and pressure

(STP) a temperature of O °C and a pressure of 101.3 kPa

stoichiometric ratio

the ratio of the number of moles of substances involved in a chemical reaction


calculations of quantities of substances involved in chemical reactions


direct conversion between solid and gas


a measurement of the average kinetic energy of particles

transition elements

elements in groups 3-12 of the periodic table

valence shell

the outermost shell that contains electrons


a measure of the combining power of a species

vapour pressure

the increase in pressure caused by particles evaporating from the surface of a liquid


a measure of how easy it is for a liquid to evaporate to form a vapour


valence shell electron pair repulsion

water of crystallisation

water that is contained within the structure of a solid crystal


a measure of the amount of product from a reaction compared to the maximum amount possible from that reaction