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About this section

Stories have been told in all cultures since the dawn of time. Before writing was invented, stories were passed down from generation to generation and told orally to:

  • inform or entertain
  • make sense of the world
  • learn about what a society or culture sees as important.

This section focuses on written and oral stories. Through reading and listening to a selection of stories, you will be presented with some ideas which may challenge or confirm the way you think about things.

In this section you will:

  • learn about narrative elements - point of view, setting, characterisation, plot and theme
  • listen to and comment on oral stories from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
  • identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events, issues and characters through reading short stories
  • experiment with different text structures
  • experiment with language features, particularly descriptive language to enhance your oral storytelling and writing of short stories
  • plan and draft an original short story to be presented orally
  • edit for meaning and impact
  • evaluate oral presentations of narratives and give feedback
  • respond to, evaluate and analyse narrative elements of some texts, justifying your ideas.

When you have completed this section your tasks will be to:

  • plan, draft and edit an original short story
  • present your story as an oral storytelling presentation which demonstrates your understanding of storytelling skills
  • evaluate your peers' oral storytelling presentations
  • submit your journal with evidence of experimental writing, responses to stories and a record of ideas, thoughts and observations.

You can access full details of the task by clicking on 'Task' in the Table of Contents on the left.

This section should take you about 16 hours to complete.

Remember to update your vocabulary list as you work through this section. Download the vocabulary list at the link below.

create iconVocabulary list

Use the spelling strategies information sheet to learn about different ways to learn to spell the words on your vocabulary list.

reading iconSpelling strategies

Complete the following self-reflection guide. It's a good idea to keep it near you as you work through this section to check your progress.

reflection iconSelf-reflection guide

Throughout this cell, words which are in bold font are in the glossary. It is recommended that you download and/or print the glossary. Keep the glossary where you can easily refer to it as you work your way through this resource.


Icons used in this resource