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Suggested reading

You will be directed to some sites within this section which will provide you with stories to read or listen to. Your teacher will also provide you with some recommended reading. It is very important you read as many different stories as possible so you can consider the ideas and issues presented by these texts. This will broaden your knowledge, help you to explore issues that are challenging and present you with new ways of seeing things.

Short story anthologies:

Housden, E (ed) 2009, Five Senses: 15 Short Stories, Farr Books. Wilston, Queensland.

Maekivi, C 2008, Tailgater and other stories, Futuretrack. Mt Hawthorn, Western Australia.

Maekivi, C 2003, Rust: a collection of short stories, Futuretrack. Mt Hawthorn, Western Australia.

McVitty, W (ed) 1996, Short Story Arena, Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd. South Melbourne, Australia.

Hyde, M & Kent, V (ed) 2003, Across Country: Stories from Aboriginal Australia 1998, ABC Books. Sydney, Australia.

Kenny, BJ, Housden, E, Kenny, M (eds) 2007, A Stack of Stories, Farr Books. Wilston, Queensland.

Ryan, E & Newman, C (eds) 2000, From Two Islands, Fremantle Arts Centre Press. North Fremantle, Western Australia.

Top Drawer: a collection of short stories 1992, Phoenix Education Pty Ltd. Albert Park, Australia.

Yaxley, R 2003, Short shorts, John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd. Milton, Queensland.

Recommended short stories

'Sea Lost' by Jack Davis

'Johnny Blue' by Archie Weller

'Kill to Eat' by Kath Walker (Oodgeroo Noonuccal)

'V8' by Charles Maekivi

'1112: Anhar - Iran to Woomera' by Hannah Moore

'The Shell' by Colin Thiele

'Up Taree Way' by Libby Hathorn

Aboriginal authors

Jack Davis Kim Scott

Archie Weller Ruby Langford Ginibi

Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker) Doris Pilkington Garimara

Boori Monty Prior Sally Morgan

Jimmy Chi Mudrooroo

Glenyse Ward