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Reading stories

Story one

Locate a copy of the story 'Johnny Blue' by Archie Weller. Your teacher may do this for you.

'Johnny Blue' is a powerful story about the loyalty and the bond between two friends, Johnny Blue and Jesse Maguire. It raises issues of people who live on the margins of society and is told from the perspective of the Aboriginal narrator, Jesse.

activity iconreading iconRead the story and use the framework at the link below to complete an analysis to develop your understanding about the elements of narrative.

Narrative analysis framework

Story two

activity iconreading iconOpen the link

  • Type 'short stories going home' into the search bar at the top of the ABC home page.
  • Select the search result titled 'ABC Short Stories A>Going Home.'
  • Read this story and overview and questions at the link below.

'Going Home' analysis

Comparing stories

activity iconLook at the two stories again and your completed overviews for each. Think about the similarities and differences between the two. To record your observations complete the Venn diagram at the link below.

Comparing stories

Discuss your observations with others and your teacher.