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Evaluating storytelling - you be the judge

When we listen to people telling stories we make a judgement about how they tell the story. It is a bit like being a judge on a music talent show. The judges look for certain qualities or features in a performance.

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You and a partner have been asked to judge a nationwide storytelling competition. These storytellers will be performing before a live audience. Before you can go to air you need to have a very clear idea of key aspects of a storytelling performance. With your partner you need to devise a judge's evaluation document which will be the guide you use to 'mark' the storytellers' performances. Remember - you will be judging the aural aspects (what you hear) and the visual aspects (what you see).

Collaborate with your partner to:

  1. brainstorm ideas about what makes a good storytelling performance
  2. select the ideas which you think need to be included in your judge's document
  3. draft your document - it will need appropriate headings with space for evaluative comments to provide feedback for the storytellers.

Once you have a draft document, share your ideas with others in the class and with your teacher. You can use this document to help with your final task.