
the addition of acid to a substance


a measured volume of a solution


without water


the electrode at which oxidation is occurring


a result that does not seem to fit a trend or pattern shown by other results


two or more electrochemical cells connected in series

buffer solutions

a solution that has the ability to reduce the effect of pH changes


the electrode at which reduction is occurring


a set-up comprising reduction and oxidation processes connected by an external circuit and an internal electrolyte

complex ions

an ion that contains a central metal ion surrounded by other atoms, ions or groups

conjugate acid

the acid produced when a base accepts a hydrogen ion

conjugate base

the base produced when an acid donates a hydrogen ion

diprotic acid

an acid that can release two hydrogen ions from each molecule


the conducting material that provides a connection between the external circuit and the chemical reactions occurring in an electrochemical cell


a substance or solution that has the ability to conduct an electrical current due to the presence of ions that are free to move

equivalence point

the point at which there are the correct number of moles of acid and alkali as defined by a chemical equation

free radicals

reactive species that contain unpaired electrons

functional group

a grouping of atoms in a molecule that determines the main properties of the molecule

galvanic cell

a cell where an oxidation reaction is linked to a reduction reaction to produce an electrical voltage


the reaction of a substance with water


molecules with the same molecular formula but a different structure


the curved surface of a liquid in a tube such as a burette

monoprotic acids

an acid that produces one hydrogen ion per molecule when it is ionised


substance that causes another substance to be oxidised

primary cells

cells that cannot be recharged once they have been discharged


species with unpaired electrons

redox reactions

a process that involves a reduction reaction and an oxidation reaction


substances that cause another substance to be reduced


contains only single covalent bonds

secondary cells

cells that can be recharged

significant figures

the number of digits in a number that have an effect on the accuracy of that number


particle involved in a chemical reaction


occurs naturally without an external stimulus

standard solution

A solution with a known concentration

structural formula

a formula that is written to show the arrangement of atoms within a molecule


a compound that allows two immiscible liquids to mix together


the experimental method by which volumetric analysis is carried out in the laboratory

titration curve

a graph showing the variation of pH when an acidic solution is mixed with an alkaline solution


the volume of a solution added from a burette during a titration experiment


an acid that is able to donate three hydrogen ions per molecule


contains at least one double covalent bond

volumetric analysis

the process of calculating quantities of chemicals by reacting measured amounts of solutions