Names and structures of hydrocarbons

This section is mainly revision from Stage Two. You may want to go straight to the problems, but the information below will help you if you have any difficulties.


ethane structure

These are the most simple of the hydrocarbons, with only single bonds. They are described as saturated opens in a new window compounds.

Methane (CH4), as shown earlier, is the simplest alkane. The bonding in propane, the alkane containing three carbon atoms, is shown below using a dot diagram.

Propane (C3H8)

propane molecule dot diagram

We can also represent the molecules with diagrams. Select the link below for an example as a line diagram.

Propane opens in a new window (C3H8)

These are two-dimensional diagrams, which show the structure and bonding clearly. However, in reality the molecules are three-dimensional, so they can be represented with models or three-dimensional representations. Select the link below for an example of the propane 3-D molecule.

Propane opens in a new window (C3H8)

molecules icon

You can use your molecular models to make this molecule. You can see from the model that single covalent bonds in the carbon chain are free to rotate. This means that the chain can form into a variety of shapes. This is important, especially when the carbon chain is longer and hydrocarbon molecules can tangle with each other.

The names of all alkanes end in 'ane'. The number of carbon atoms in the molecule is shown by the prefixes in the following table.

Carbon atoms Prefix Example Formula
1 meth methane CH4
2 eth ethane C2H6
3 prop propane C3H8
4 but butane C4H10
5 pent pentane C5H12
6 hex hexane C6H14
7 hept heptane C7H16
8 oct octane C8H16
9 non nonane C9H20
10 dec decane C10H22

Branches on alkanes have names based on the number of carbon atoms in the branch, as shown by the table below.

Group Name
methyl -CH3
ethyl -C2H5
propyl -C3H7
butyl -C4H9

If there is more than one of the above groups present in the molecule, this is shown by using the prefixes listed below.

Number of groups Name
2 di
3 tri
4 tetra
5 penta
6 hexa

The positions of the groups are identified by using numbers along the carbon chain in the molecule. To decide which end of the carbon chain to start numbering from you must number from the end that will ensure that the lowest possible numbers are required in the final name. This means that normally you number from the end closest to the groups or branches.

Once you have more than three carbon atoms in an alkane, there will be more than one way for the atoms to be arranged. Molecules that have the same formula, but a different structure are called structural isomers. Both of the molecules shown below have the formula of C6H14, but are clearly different structures.

hexane line diagram

structure of 3-methyl pentane

molecules icon

Use your molecular models to make two versions of an alkane with the formula C4H10. Draw the structure of the two isomers into your notes and name them.

Click here to compare your notes

Properties of isomers

The physical properties of isomers will normally vary, often due to differences between the intermolecular forces that will occur between the molecules.

For example, the boiling point of hexane is 69° C compared with the boiling point of 3-methylpentane, which is 64° C.



ethene molecule showing double bond

Alkenes are unsaturated opens in a new window compounds. They contain a double bond, which allows for a greater range of reactions and structures than alkanes. Ethene is the simplest example of an alkene.

Ethene is a hydrocarbon that contains a double bond between carbon atoms; it is the simplest example of an alkene.

The bonding in the next alkene (propene) is shown below.

Propene (C3H8)

electron dot diagram for propene

Just like with the alkanes, we can represent the molecules with diagrams. Select the link below for an example as a line diagram.

Ethene opens in a new window (C2H4)

Propene opens in a new window (C3H6)

molecules icon

Use your molecular models to make the alkenes shown above.

The names of all alkenes end in 'ene', and the number of carbon atoms in the molecule is shown by the same prefixes as used for the alkanes.

Alkenes follow the same naming rules as the alkanes.

Once you have more than three carbon atoms in the chain of an alkene, there will be more than one place where the double bond can be. An example of this is shown below, where there are two versions (isomers) of butane (C4H10) represented.


but-1-ene molecule


but-2-ene molecule

The position of the double bond is indicated by the number at the beginning of the name.

Geometric isomerism (cis/trans isomerism)

Look at the two molecules shown below.

cis-3-methylhex-3-ene molecule

trans-3-methylhex-3-ene molecule

The structure as defined by the bonds is the same, but the arrangement of the atoms on either side of the double bond is different. This type of isomerism is called geometric isomerism. The two forms are labelled as cis (meaning the same side) or trans (meaning across), and often referred to as cis/trans isomerism. The double bond between the two carbons cannot rotate, which means that two versions are different molecules.

To predict whether geometric isomerism is possible in a molecule you need to ask the following questions.

  1. Is there a double bond between two carbon atoms?
  2. Are there two different groups or atoms attached to the carbon at one end of the double bond?
  3. Are there two different groups or atoms attached to the carbon at the other end of the double bond?

Only a 'yes' to all three questions will indicate that the molecule can exist as a cis and trans form.

worksheet icon

Answer the questions on the Hydrocarbons worksheet Opens a 306kBMicrosoft® Word document in a new browser window. to check your knowledge of the names and structures of hydrocarbons.

The answers can be accessed here Opens a 1.04MBMicrosoft® Word document in a new browser window..

Make sure you are confident of your understanding of this area before moving onto the next section.