About this section
Still images are so much a part of modern life that we take them for granted. Billboards, magazine advertisements, newspapers, posters, art, graphic novels, comics and the internet are just a few examples of where you might find still images. These images present information quickly, but have you ever stopped to think about the impact still images have on you, the viewer?
Often when we read (view) images we make judgements and react in certain ways to what we see.
This section will help you to become a critical reader of still images by giving you the skills to examine and analyse the techniques used to influence your response.
In this section you will learn about:
- what a still image is
- the codes - symbolic, written and technical - used to construct still images
- the effect audience and purpose have on the construction of still images
- how different visual images can offer different points of view about the same subject matter
- stereotypes
- representation
- the ways a viewer of a still image is positioned to respond
- how to become a critical reader of still images.
When you have completed this section your task will be to:
- complete a detailed analysis of two still images using a framework.
This section should take you about 16 hours to complete.
Remember to update your vocabulary list as you work through this section. Download the vocabulary list at the link below.
Use the spelling strategies information sheet to learn about different ways to learn to spell the words on your vocabulary list.
Complete the following self-reflection guide. It's a good idea to keep it near you as you work through this section to check your progress.
Throughout this cell, words which are in bold font are in the glossary. It is recommended that you download and/or print the glossary. Keep the glossary where you can easily refer to it as you work your way through this resource.