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Representations of teenagers

Have you ever stopped to consider if your judgements of people and groups of people within society are accurate, fair and just? How often do we hear generalised comments about teenagers? Comments like "teenagers have no respect for other people", "teenagers are lazy and spend all their time on their mobile phones" and "teenagers are violent and aggressive" are judgemental, unfair and not an accurate reflection of what the majority of teenagers are really like.

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Make notes about how each of the following images represents teenage girls. Record your observations in your journal. Your teacher may ask you to share your ideas in a class discussion.

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Consider the following questions. Remember to record your ideas in your journal.

  • What generalised comments and assumptions about teenagers have you heard?
  • What aspects or features are being judged (for example, speech, behaviour)?
  • Who or what promotes this representation of teenagers?
  • Do you think that these comments are fair and reasonable? Explain.
  • What do you think may be some effects of making generalisations like this?

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Use the internet or other sources to find a selection of representations of teenagers. Use the framework located at the link below and complete the activity. An example has been completed for you.

Representation of teenagers