Yan'an: The new revolutionary base
Yan'an became the base for the CCP from 1936 to 1947. It was here that Mao Zedong developed and wrote his revolutionary theories and oversaw the introduction of two key aspects of his ideology:
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Peasant needs and the commitment of peasants to the revolution were at the centre of the Mass Line.
- Land reform and rent reduction programmes as well as self-sufficiency campaigns aimed to politicise the peasants.
- Mao Zedong established poor peasant corps and farm labourer unions to assist in land confiscation and redistribution.
- Peasants were encouraged to vote and participate in government councils.
- Mass campaigns included rent reduction, the establishment of cooperatives, community participation in manual labour and mass education.
- Land reform was a priority for the Communists and can be linked to Sun Yixian's idea of land to the tiller.
The communists took on the mantle of nationalism and promised to mobilise peasants to fight the Japanese, especially following the full-scale invasion of China in 1937.
Mao was focusing on a national revolution rather than the Marxist international revolution. The war was against Japanese imperialism rather than a class war against the bourgeoisie. Here Mao's ideas clearly followed Sun Yixian's Principle of Nationalism.
From 1937 until 1945 the Sino-Japanese war influenced and distorted the struggle between communism and right-wing nationalism in China.
Japanese imperialism threatened China and nationalism swelled during the War of Resistance. The national unity engendered by the war with Japan contributed to the success of the Communists.
By 1937 the Communists had applied Sun Yixian's Principles more successfully than the Nationalists.
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