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This is the time to experiment with the media to see how to control it. You will mix colours that look bright and happy and others that are dull but interesting and even create a mixed black. You will also explore texture effects that the brush can make.

You will arrange objects in a still life so that it expresses an idea. When you are arranging an artwork you use one or more of the principles of art. It is often good to turn to the experts, in this case other artists, to help you sort out your ideas. You will see how they use both the elements and principles of art to express their ideas when they arrange their work.

In this section you will be planning a still life composition. As you plan you will be shown ways to be thoughtful about how to express an idea through your choice of objects, your arrangement and your chosen viewpoint.

You will learn:

  • how to use acrylic paint so that you can mix and control the colours you want
  • how other artists use the principles of art in the organisation of their still life paintings
  • which principles of art will help you to arrange an interesting composition.

This section should take you approximately six hours to complete.

Words which are in bold font are in the glossary. It is recommended that you print out the glossary below and keep it where you can easily refer to it as you work your way through this resource.


reflection icon

Download and/or print the following self-reflection guide. It's a good idea to keep it near you as you work through this section to check your progress.

Self-reflection guide

Complete the activities in this section in your visual diary. Your teacher may request you submit these for assessment. The activities are outlined in the following task summary.


Icons used in this resource