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Experimenting with still life arrangements

Composition in visual arts is the arrangement of all the different parts of the image, from the elements (such as the colours) and the subject (such as a still life), in order to create the whole.

The objects you use should be related by a theme. The arrangement should be interesting to look at and express your idea or the mood you want to suggest. These pictures might help you to think of ways to compose your still life so that the parts look interesting together. Notice how other artists use the principles of art in their arrangements.

close-up painting of a bowl of lemons set against a plain background still life painting featuring a bright blue jug, which contains foliage, standing on a wooden table with dark blue fabric as background still life arrangement featuring purple-painted eggs with a sprig of leaves resting on them and a paintbrush at one side
One way to create emphasis is to make the subject the largest thing in the picture space, like this bowl of lemons. The dark fabric makes the light jug and plant stand out. The warm orange also contrasts with the cool colours nearby. Notice how this photographer has used movement by leading our eye through from the brush on the left to the soft leaves and then through the coloured eggs to the top of the picture.

Although each of these works looks so different, each artist has actually used emphasis, contrast, movement and balance in their composition. Try to remember these principles as you arrange your still life.

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Examine the following stages and examples before you start your own experiments.